VCE Solutions For Mobile Platforms
Not only is VCE Exam Simulator available for Windows and Mac OS, but it also comes in mobile versions for Android and iOS, which can be installed on tablets and smartphones for convenient exam preparation on the go.
VCE software for mobile features the same functionality and convenience as the regular version. Like most Android and iOS apps, it is very intuitive, so exam preparation process becomes smooth and natural. The only question many users ask is 'How do I add VCE exams to my tablet/phone?'. Here's a quick tutorial of how it's done for iPhone/iPad and Android:
Adding VCE exam files to iPhone /iPad
From your computer:
To make sure your VCE software works properly on your iPhone/iPad, check if you have the current versions of VCE Exam Simulator for Mobile for iPhone / iPad, as well as the latest update for iTunes; your iOS software should be updated to the version 6.0 or later.
With your gadget connected, go to your Apps in iTunes
Add files from your hard drive and sync VCE exam files from your computer to the iPhone/iPad
From your computer:
Choose VCE exam file to be uploaded
Click Upload
Wait for the file to upload. Once the file is uploaded, you will be given a code that you should save (you will need to use it later).
Open the VCE Simulator app in your iPhone/iPad
Tap the "+" symbol in the upper right corner of your screen
Choose "Web upload"
Enter the file code you saved earlier
Click get and wait to the VCE file to appear on your screen, and then proceed with your download.
Adding VCE Practice Exams To Your Android Device
Direct file transfer from your computer:
Before you begin, please keep in mind that some Android devices allow direct file transfer from the user's computer. Check the manual of your tablet/smartphone for more detailed instructions.
VCE Exam Simulator for Mobile for Android:
Tap the "+" symbol in the upper right corner
Tap "Local file" and browse to location of the VCE file on your device's memory card
From your computer:
Go to and click Choose file to upload your VCE exam:
Find the VCE exam on your hard drive and click Open:
Click "Upload"
Save the file code that is shown to you when the upload finishes
From VCE Exam Simulator for Mobile for Android: